Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

An Introduction To Swiftlet Nest

An Introduction To Swiftlet Nest
An Introduction To Swiftlet Nest

Swiftlet Nest is one of the four major traditional food supplements in China and has been regarded as the top precious product among delicacies. The four major traditional food supplements include Swiftlet Nest, ginseng, shark’s fins and abalone while the eight precious products include Swiftlet Nest, fox lip, camel hump, monkey head, bear palm, deer tendons, dried meat & ect.

Our Swiftlet Nest Supply Direct fr Factory, Say No to Costly Brand!

Our Swiftlet Nest Supply is one of the brands of Swiftlet Nest supply. We care for the health of our customers while our management personnel are professionals with experience in Swiftlet Nest. We have our own Swiftlet Nest processing factories which carry out manual removal of feathers and foreign matters. Apart from supplying Swiftlet Nest, we also provide consultation service to those interested in rearing Swiftlet Nests and Swiftlet Nest farming.
Our Swiftlet Nest Supply has always maintained “trustworthy, quality and beneficial” services to customers. Our prices are reasonable and everyone may get to enjoy superior quality Swiftlet Nest while building a good customer relationships.

Swiftlet Nest For Beauty, Boost the Body System

1. Swiftlet Nest is best consumed on an empty stomach as that will allow the body to better absorb its nutrients.
2. Swiftlet Nest is traditionally used as a beauty food.
3. Men may use Swiftlet Nest to promote overall immunity.
4. Swiftlet Nest is believed to speed up recovery from chronic illnesses.
5. Seniors may use Swiftlet Nest to maintain and enhance their health by stimulating the appetite and bowel movement as well as improving digestion.
6. Swiftlet Nest is a good supplement for growing children.

Swiftlet Nest Types

Whole piece Swiftlet Nest - These are boat-shaped Swiftlet Nest which has been selected from the Swiftlet Nest harvested, with feathers removed. As whole piece Swiftlet Nests are natural, the size and shape and size vary. They possess higher nutritional value, with better flavor and better expandability when soaked.
Narrow Swiftlet Nest pieces - These are whole piece Swiftlet Nests broken during harvesting or whole piece Swiftlet Nests which have been cut into narrow strips or separated after careful selection. Although not attractive physically, the quality and preparation method is the same.
Swiftlet Nest corners - These are the places with the highest concentration of saliva from Swiftlet Nests.They are the hardest portions at both ends of a whole piece Swiftlet Nests. They require longer soaking time. Swiftlet Nest corners are normally broken into pieces before soaking so as they can expand easier. They will expand more compared to whole piece Swiftlet Nests.

Swiftlet Nest Soup Knowledge

Swiftlet Nest Soup Knowledge
Swiftlet Nest Soup Knowledge

Swiftlet Nest is the saliva produced by a special species of swallow called the Swiftlet Nest while building the nest. the saliva glues with other impurities (such as feathers) to form the nest.

There are 3 harvesting periods of Swiftlet Nest in a year:

First phase (first harvesting period : from November to January every year-springtime of Indonesia)
In this season of abundance and thriving, the Swiftlet Nest grows up strong and healthy and is able to secrete plentiful saliva. Under such favourable enviroment, Swiftlet Nest harvested during this period is purer and gets bigger expansion after soaking. The body of Swiftlet Nest is obviously larger in size and thicker in texture. Swiftlet Nest in this phase is the most nutritious and contains much more proteins and minerals.
IBNI has its own Swiftlet Nest farmhouses and processing plants in Indonesia. Some time before every Chinese Lunar New Year, IBNI ships fresh ‘first phase’ Swiftlet Nests to Hong Kong through air cargo. This guarantees sufficient supply of ‘first phase’ Swiftlet Nests in the market all the year round.
Second phase & third phase
It is not as good comparing with the first phase Swiftlet Nest in terms of quality and quantity. During these seasons, the Swiftlet Nest is weak due to unfavourable weather and lean food supply. Saliva secretion is slow and lots of feathers fall off, thus increase impurities. The Swiftlet Nest is usually smaller in size and has lesser expandability.


Over one hundred years of consumption by people, Swiftlet Nest had been confirmed by many scholars & experts and sees it as a kind of tonic with healing effects.
In recent years, the Chineses University of Hong Kong had conducted a thorough and in-depth study on Swiftlet Nest.
It was discovered that the water soluble protein of Swiftlet Nest contains both Mitogenic Stimulation Factor and Epidermic Browth Factor which can:
- enhance the rebirth of cells, reinforce the immune system
- restore energy and stamina
- fortify human body's tolerance towards the damage done by X-rays of other radioactive treatments
- boost heart functions
- supply heat energy to human's body
Swiftlet Nest has become more and more popular over these years. Lot of peolpe see it as health enhancing food. it also promote growth of children, accelerate recovery from illness and after giving birth.
From a nutririon point of view, Swiftlet Nest contains:
- 60% proteins (water soluble proteins) and several amino acids
- 10% water content
- 30% of cellulose, carbohydrates, a little fat and various minaral such as calcium, sulphide, pottassium, phosphor and iodine.
Swiftlet Nest can be taken by people of any age of gender:
- New Born Baby: Stew Swiftlet Nest until it is dessolved in water and then mix it with milk or rice porridge. This can help digestion, regulate digestive ststem and enhance appetite.
- Pregnant woman (during pregnancy): Help promote the brain growth of the fetus.
- Pregnant woman (giving birth) :speed up revovery of body shape and bring back beauty
- Children: Improve immune ststem, facilitate healthy growth of body and brain
- Adolescents: Accelerate metabolism, strengthen the body functions. Giving fine and fair skin.
- Tension, workload fatique: Relieve tiredness and alleviate pressure.
- Weakness after illness, asthma patient: Regain energy and strength, improve immune ststem and smooth breathing
- People suffering sleep disorder and having hot body characteristic: Dissipate intestinal heat, moisten lung

Identified by its origin, Swiftlet Nest can be catrgorized as "cave nest" and "house nest"

House Nest (including common white Swiftlet Nest and house grass Swiftlet Nest)
House nest is the Swiftlet Nest built inside a special house called 'farmhouse'. The swiflet builds its nest on the beams and walls inside the house. The Swiftlet Nest, therefore, may bear slight wood-chips smell. Farmhouses are mainly found in the coastal area of Indonesia, particularly around Badong, Balai and Java. Workers conduct inspection on the Swiftlet Nests in the farmhouse regularly and cut the nest down for further processing (removal of feathers and impurities) in the plant.
The characteristics of House nest are: good quality, few detached feathers and having smooth mouth-feel. Its expandability is high after soaking 5 to 7 times in average. White Swiftlet Nest has softer mouth-feel but cannot be stewed too long. It is preferrable to stew the nest for 30 to 45 minutes before serving. Furthermore, house nest can be classified as yellow Swiftlet Nest (golden Swiftlet Nest) and red Swiftlet Nest(bloody red Swiftlet Nest).
If the stewing time is too long (over 1 to 2 hour), the Swiftlet Nest will dissolve in water and disappear.
Cave Nest (including cave Swiftlet Nest, cave grass Swiftlet Nest and feather Swiftlet Nest)
Cave Swiftlet Nest os harvested in caves and therefore is absorbs plentiful mineral from the rock. Workers use a special kind of tool to pick the Swiftlet Nests.
Cave Swiftlet Nest is mainly in beige of yellow colour. Comparing to house nest, it contains more hair feathers, has firmer tissue and bigger expandability. It can be stewed for a longer time and the stewed Swiftlet Nest gives our fragrant smell with good mouth-feel.

Best Natural Food: Swiftlet Nest

Swiftlet Nests is one among the major food supplements of a Chinese diet. It is a precious food product, which is eaten with great love.
Swiftlet Nest Benefits
Among the tremendous benefits of Swiftlet Nests, let us look at a few of them:
– Lungs get nourishment from Swiftlet Nests and hence, are relieved of many ailments that are caused due to contaminated foods and alcohol.
– The nest also dissolves phlegm and prevents cough, providing a clearing and nourishing effect.
– It is a proven effective medicine for treating and regulating weaknesses. Patients who are recovering from serious ailments can receive tremendous benefits from Swiftlet Nest because it boosts immunity.
– Swiftlet Nests contain rich collagen water-soluble protein that stimulates cell growth in the immune system and hence increases metabolism.
– It inhibits gastric acids and promotes circulation of blood in the body.
– It strengthens the heart and enhances appetite, which is again beneficial for recuperating patients.
If the Swiftlet Nest is consumed by pregnant women, it helps to stabilize pre-natal and post-natal stages and nurtures the fetus.
Best Natural Food: Swiftlet Nest
Best Natural Food: Swiftlet Nest

– Along with proven health benefits, Swiftlet Nest nutrition is also proven to maintain skin tone because of its constituents such as mucosaccharides.
– Swiftlet Nest contains anti-oxidants, which have detoxifying effects on the body.
– The epidermal growth factor of Swiftlet Nests stimulates reproduction and regeneration of cells.
– It is even helpful in curing lung cancer.
– The Swiftlet Nest has a sweet and mild taste, which has neither too hot nor too cold effects on the body.
– The Swiftlet Nests are proven to nourish the lungs, kidneys, and stomach.
– They are also helpful in aiding better circulation of oxygen in the body.
– Even if you consume the nests in large quantities, you will not see any side effects on your body.
Swiftlet Nest Types
Places of develop Swiftlet Nests: There are two types of places to develop the nests of Swiftlet Nests:
  • In the caves
  • In the cultivated or abandoned houses
1. Cave nests
Cave nests are usually harvested in the natural caves of Malaysian states namely, Sabah and Sarawak. These caves vary in height and size, but they are typically found on lofty cliffs elevated against the sea. These kinds of nests usually contain more feather and dirt than the other variant.
2. House Nests
These nests are made by Swiftlet Nests under the house roof in the countryside. House nests are harvested from swallow houses. The texture of this kind of nests is smoother than the cave nests, and it contains lesser contaminants and feathers. Therefore, it is possible to retain the crescent kind of bowl or the cupped hand shape of the nest even after the feathers are removed.
In these places, the following types of golden Swiftlet Nest spring up- white Swiftlet Nest, yellow Swiftlet Nest, and blood Swiftlet Nests. After the nests are taken off the houses, they need to be cleaned and processed before delivery. Malaysia single-handedly sends millions of Swiftlet Nests to Chinese communities all over the world. The main consumer countries of Swiftlet Nests include China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.
Quality of Swiftlet Nest
In terms of quality of Swiftlet Nest, they are classified into different categories such as:
  • Cave Swiftlet Nest
  • House Swiftlet Nest
  • Feather Swiftlet Nest
  • Grass Swiftlet Nest
Although the benefits of Swiftlet Nests are innumerable to overwhelm anyone, but there are only two variants of Swiftlet Nests-:
  • Unprocessed Swiftlet Nests or Raw Swiftlet Nests
  • Processed Swiftlet Nests or Clean Swiftlet Nests
The nests come in different shapes such as strips, whole pieces, cakes, pieces, balls and broken pieces.

Swiftlet Nest soup with cancer patients

Swiftlet Nest soup with cancer patients
Swiftlet Nest soup with cancer patients

The effect of Swiftlet Nest on cancer is to help stimulate taste, increase the ability to absorb nutrients. Cancer patients who are in the process of radiation therapy can not eat normally due to body aches, fatigue.

1. Causes of cancer

There are many causes for people to have cancer. But the main cause is the environment.
Water pollution: Ozone pollution directly affects the water source. Water plays an important role in our daily lives. We have to use water regularly, eat, wash, wash … once the water is polluted, the impact on life as well as human health. According to the research literature, more than 70% of water sources are polluted and Vietnam is one of them.
Air pollution: Not only water is the cause of cancer but also air is equally affected. When the air is polluted, people inhale toxic gases, which affect the lungs’ activity. Lung plays an important role in human health when it is weak, affecting many other organs.
Eat dirty food: Perhaps you also know that the situation of spraying insecticides, stimulants on fruits and vegetables occurs much in Vietnam. These chemicals are also important causes that make us more susceptible to cancer. It is also the pathogens are high cancer risk.

2. Swiftlet Nest with cancer

It is not just our advice that even health experts recommend that people with cancer use the Swiftlet Nest. Because this is a product from the nature of ultra-clean, without any harmful chemicals are rich in nutrients and help your body to strengthen the immune system and immune system. With normal resistance drugs can not be equal.
On the other hand, the use of drugs resistant to the risk of side effects is very high. Therefore, selection of Swiftlet Nest against cancer agents is the most reasonable. In addition, people with cancer often lack many important nutrients that Swiftlet Nest can meet. With more than 50% protein content in Swiftlet Nest help supplement important nutrition for the body without any food meet.
On the other hand, with trace elements such as iron, zinc, manganese, or calcium, the synthesis as well as nutrients are faster. In addition, some active ingredients in Swiftlet Nest have the effect against the side effects as well as the substance. In particular, people with cancer often have to be treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, helping patients to reduce pain during treatment.
Thus, using Swiftlet Nests will help improve health, nourish the body. In addition, Swiftlet Nest also work against cancer cells. Helps patients recover quickly and stay healthy.

What is Swiftlet Nest?

What is Swiftlet Nest?
What is Swiftlet Nest?

Primarily known as Swiftlet Nest, Swiftlet Nest has been consumed by the Chinese people since more than 1500 years ago, firstly discovered during the Tang Dinasty (A.D. 618-907) in China. In the earliest records, it was said that the Swiftlet Nest were actually traded for porcelain during that time, and Admiral Cheng Ho returned from South East Asia, bringing back the Swiftlet Nest to the Chinese Emperor.

What is Swiftlet Nest?

Swiftlet Nest (in Chinese: 燕窩) has been know & used by Chinese communities for centuries as a health food. It is actually the salivary glue of Swiftlet Nests (Collocaliini) taken from their nests. Swiftlet Nests are distributed mainly in the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and North Australia. With it high market value, Swiftlet Nest has been promoted by marketers as highly nutrition food, which is good for skin, anti-aging, lowering risk of disease, and longer life span. Traditionally, it is double boiled with rock sugar. Many celebrities and riches claimed to eat Swiftlet Nest everyday.

What is the Nutrition Value of Swiftlet Nest?

According to scientific research, Swiftlet Nest contains mainly carbohydrates, amino acids and mineral salts, glycoproteins, sialic acid, galactosamine, glucosamine, galactose, fucose, etc. Sialic acid has advantages in infants. While some amino acid found can facilitate body's repairing and immunity.

Is Swiftlet Nest Good or Bad for Cancer Patients?

Scientific evidence was given by Ng et al. (1986) in Hong Kong, suggested that Swiftlet Nest might possess immunoenhancing effect by aiding cell division of immune cells. In 1987, other scientific evidence was published by Kong et al, demonstrated an epidermal growth factor (EGF) that stimulated the DNA synthesis in 3T3 fibroblast in a dose dependent manner in vitro. EGF is a 6,000 Da polypeptide hormone produced by glands of the gastrointestinal tract, namely the salivary and Brunner's glands. It appears to play a crucial role in major normal cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation and development. It may offer a rationale for the medicinal use of Swiftlet Nest in ageing resistance. Since the receptor for EGF is highly expressed in a number of solid tumors, including breast, head-and-neck, non-small-cell lung, renal, ovarian and colon cancer, people are worried about a possibility to induce tumor progression and to resist chemotherapy/radiation treatment in tumor cells; in consequence, suggest that cancer patients should avoid Swiftlet Nest. However, there is no evidence supporting this suggestion. Scientific evidence for its efficacy is still limited.

Great benefits of Swiftlet Nest with cancer patients

Great benefits of Swiftlet Nest with cancer patients
Great benefits of Swiftlet Nest with cancer patients

Swiftlet Nest are effective in treating cancer, increasing the resistance of the patient and improving the quality of life for cancer patients.

1. Cancer in Vietnam

These are real numbers about CANCER IN VIETNAM!
– In Vietnam, the number of new cancers has increased rapidly from 68,000 cases (2000) to 126,000 cases (2010) and is expected to exceed 190,000 cases (2020).
– Each year Vietnam has about 115,000 deaths from cancer, equivalent to 315 people per day.
– WHO ranked Vietnam 78th out of 172 countries topping the world against cancer.
– Most men in Vietnam suffer from untreated cancers such as lung, liver, colorectal and most of them do not have regular medical treatment. About 70% of cases are diagnosed late. Section 3, 4) …
– In females most commonly breast cancer, the rate is still increasing every year. Only cervical cancer is the only type that tends to decrease.

2. What are the benefits of Swiftlet Nest for cancer?

According to research of nutritionists, in the composition of swallow Swiftlet Nest are more than 18 kinds of amino acids, high in protein, the content of vitamins and minerals such as serine, tyrosine, aspartic, phenylalanine … also very high.
_ Patients with cancer when using Swiftlet Nest regularly will help restore cell damage, stimulate the growth of red blood cells, supplement the nutrients and minerals necessary for the body, help the spirit of comfort, Limit the impact of chemicals to the cells heal during treatment. Enhance health and vitality, increase resistance to disease
_ The effect of Swiftlet Nest on cancer is to help stimulate the taste, increase the ability to absorb nutrients. Cancer patients in the process of radiation therapy can not eat normally due to body pain, fatigue so use Swiftlet Nest in this stage is most appropriate, Swiftlet Nest help patients get maximum absorption Essential substances for the body, increase the ability to regenerate cells, increase the resistance of the body. With proper diet and rest, the patient will gradually stabilize.
How to maximize the benefits of Swiftlet Nest for cancer patients?
Swiftlet Nest are high in nutrients, provide many nutrients for the body, necessary for patients undergoing cancer treatment, patients after surgery. Helping patients to recover health, but due to high nutrient content if not used properly can lead to excess substance, digestive disorders
Using Salanganes’s ginger as sugar ginger flavor is most suitable for cancer patients. Swiftlet Nests provide nutrients in combination with fresh ginger that has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to isolate, remove and block the movement of cancer cells in the body.
The formula used
Time of use: early morning before breakfast.
The first 7 days of starting chemotherapy: 1 cup of 100ml daily
The next day, every day ½ cup
The amount of Swiftlet Nest used in a month about 100gr new promotion of the value of the nest with health
Here you have to understand some of the effects of Swiftlet Nest for cancer right? Swiftlet Nest have no effect on cancer treatment but it brings health and resistance to help patients have good health foundation to fight against this dangerous disease.

Swiftlet Nest consumption is suitable for all ages

Swiftlet Nest consumption is suitable for all ages
Swiftlet Nest consumption is suitable for all ages

The content of Swiftlet Nest: It is said that the Chinese have been eating Swiftlet Nest for some 400 years, in fact some reports even dated back 1,000 years ago to Tang Dynasty in China.
Swiftlet Nests are glycoprotein with properties of protein as well as of carbohydrate. The total protein content is about 65%, carbohydrate of about 20% and 0.35% of fat. Other minerals present are calcium, magnesium, and iron. Amino acids isolated from Swiftlet Nest consist of amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine and lysine. The total content of mono amino acids is about 6%.

Health benefits of Swiftlet Nest consumption: Swiftlet Nest consumption is suitable for all ages.

Swiftlet Nest is very low in calory and fat, only about 0.35%. But Swiftlet Nest contain epidermic growth factor (EGF), which can stimulate the regeneration of cells, the cell division enzyme & hormone and promote reproduction and rebirth of cells. It’s this reason that consumption of Swiftlet Nest is particularly good for pregnant lady before & after birth, young children, and those who undergo medical surgery.

A regular diet of Swiftlet Nest can help alleviate the trachea, smooth breathing, benefit the control of asthma, expel phlegm, recover vital energy and extend longevity.

It enhance the resistance of an individual to X-irradiated damage and rejuvenate the complexion, smoothes the skin and maintain youthfulness. A regular diet of Swiftlet Nest can help alleviate the trachea, smooth breathing, benefit the control of asthma, expel phlegm, recover vital energy and extend longevity. It is particularly effective to those who have sleep disorders, bronchitis, coughs or hangovers. Swiftlet Nests also show obvious therapeutic effects to help moisturize and replenish the lung and clear away intestinal heat.

Natural Swiftlet Nest can enhance immune system, prevent cancer and other health benefits as follow:

1. Swiftlet Nest help regulate the function of the endocrine system as well as other body functions. It strengthen the body, moisturize the skin, maintain beauty, provide energy and enhance the metabolism of fat. The Swiftlet Nests are adaptable for either sex or any age group;
2. latest medical research indicates Swiftlet Nest contains antioxidant and can slow down ageing process – radiant skin complexion & prevent the effects of aging;
3. Strengthens the kidney and lung. Invigorate the body;
4. People, who are highly stressed and are busy in study and work can alleviate tiredness, relieve spiritual pressure and recover body strength;
5. Excellence health tonic for pregnant ladies in the last 3 months of pregnancy before birth. Not only is good for mother, it’s also good for baby too, who will be healthier and have better skin complexion. Taking Swiftlet Nest will help after birth recovery;
6. Strengthen the heart and lower blood pressure;
7. Lower blood cholesterol level, help to reduce stroke, blockage;
8. Swiftlet Nests are also beneficial to people who have just recovered from illness, who are old and weak, who suffer from asthma and who are always catching the cold or influenza. Relieves cough and phlegm. Strengthens internal organs and improves appetite.