Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

About Swiftlet Nest (Salangane's nest)

About Swiftlet Nest (Salangane's nest)
About Swiftlet Nest (Salangane's nest)

Swiftlet Nest soup, or swallow's nest, (Chinese: ) is the name of a medicinal food - made famous by the Swiftlet Nest. This is fine delicacy of Eastern ex: Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam and many other countries. In Vietnam, Swiftlet Nest ranks Bat Pearl (eight dishes sorghum flour). Swiftlet Nest soup is known as "fish eggs Caviar of the East". Swiftlet Nests were Chinese dishes consumed 400 years ago. Swiftlet Nest soup looks like a knife glue cooked with spices to add a little starch, sugar. Swiftlet Nest soup is a dish made from the most expensive animal, in Hong Kong, the price of a soup bowl of oats $ 60.
Nests were found on cliffs, cave where live Swiftlet Nest. Oats were harvested white nest is Aerodramus fuciphagus (nest) and the black Swiftlet Nest Aerodramus maximus (black oats team) but only kind of nest Swiftlet Nest is known under the name of Yen Island market. Due to the dangerous nature and limited number of islands can exploit this type of Swiftlet Nests often have the highest rates compared to other types of Swiftlet Nest in the market. To the pink and white blood (oats blood) is said to be more nutritious and more precious.

1. Nutrients and effect of Swiftlet Nest

There is much debate about the nutritional composition as well as the effect of Swiftlet Nest.
In some documents provided by the distribution of Swiftlet Nest, the nest is said to have many nutritional rare, typically some kind of protein and amino acid amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine , and lysine. In addition, oats also contain minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Effects of oats, some documents that oats aid in the lungs, strengthen the body, boost the immune system, accelerate cell regeneration, help with rapid recovery, even support disease against HIV AIDS.
In contrast, some other documents negate the effect of oats, even condemn the use of oats and that the price of oats was pushed up because of its scarcity as well as the assumption of consumers. With the actual nest is saliva of Swiftlet Nest concise, many argue that in fact the nest without any significant nutritional value, by the animal's saliva mainly consists of water, salt, all kinds enzymes (enzymes), and may have some bacterial. On the issue of "American Journal of the Medical Sciences", in 1999 with an article about the nest containing arsenic poisoning cause users to be. With the absence of an organization or a reputable scientists conduct experiments, analyze and publicize the effects of oats, some famous doctors recommend that their patients do not use the nest while pregnant suspicion quality of no.Ngoai, the animal studies suggest that the consumption of oats is the major cause of decline in the number of birds.
However, many of the documents produced Swiftlet Nests and the scientific study of the effect of Swiftlet Nest that is nutrient-rich foods.
Swiftlet Nest contains high protein content (50-60% depending on the mining site) consisting of 18 amino acids, 31 trace elements necessary for the child's development and training for the elderly, 7 sugars ( carbohydrates) essential. In nature there are about 200 types of roads, but only eight sugars are involved in the function of the human body, seven of which are found in Swiftlet Nests.
Many studies on the effect of Swiftlet Nest health have shown that Swiftlet Nests can stimulate epithelial cell growth and help treat damaged cells and strengthen the immune system. Recently, a number of carbohydrate including sialic acid and glycoconjugate compounds (complex conjugate of string oligosaccarid with proteins and lipids) found in Swiftlet Nests are compounds involved in ligand interactions, receptor biology important . The study also found that Swiftlet Nests can disable the virus in cells and inhibits agglutination of red blood cells of influenza virus in red blood cells of humans, birds and pigs. This ability may be due to the residue of the chain sugar syalyl in Swiftlet Nests and significantly improved when treated with pancreatic enzyme pancreatin F containing protease to hydrolyze the glycoprotein into the glycopeptide.
Currently Swiftlet Nests are being studied for the treatment of HIV-AIDS because it stimulates the growth of white blood cells work antigens. Swiftlet Nest soup is also recommended for cancer patients after radiation therapy, patients after surgery to help the body recover faster.
According agree, Salanganes'Nest sweet comment on two economic waste and should have the effect of cleaning the lungs, increasing resistance to viruses, flu and allergy symptoms. So in the case of A/H1N1 flu, if conditions can be for the elderly and children to use. Unlike conventional foods, Swiftlet Nests to eat always.
The following will explain more clearly the composition and functions of Swiftlet Nests (please note that the following content is provided for reference only by high levels of change more or less depending on the type of swallow's and exploitation nest locations nests).
_Protein (50-60%), high protein, but the amount of fat (lipid) is very low (~ 0%).
_Cac Amino acids:
+ Glycine (1.99%) is good for the skin.
+ Valine (4.12%) healed muscle cells and formation of new cells.
+ Leucine (4.56%) to adjust the amount of sugar in the blood.
+ Isoleucine (2.04%) recovery of health.
+ Threonine (2.69%) is good for the liver activity, strengthen the immune system and promote the body to absorb nutrients.
+ Methionine (0.46%) support the fight against arthritis, good for muscles.
+ Proline (5.27%) and aspartic acid (4.69%) growth and recovery of tissues, muscles, and skin cells.
+ Phenylalanine (4.50%) by the brain and improve memory.
+ Histidine (2.09%) helps the body to develop muscle and associated tissues.
+ Lysine (1.75%) increased ability to absorb calcium and keep bones strong, anti-aging spine.
+ Tyrosine (3.58%) Quick recovery work when the body is contaminated or damaged red blood cells.
+ Cysteine ​​(0.49%) improve memory, nerve impulse conduction, increase the absorption of vitamin D from sunlight.
+ Tryptophan (0.7%) to prevent cancer.
+ Other amino acids: alanine (1.4%), serine (1.87%), glutamic acid (3.6%).
_Carbohydrates (20-30%):
+ Fucose (0.7%) and galactose (16.9%) impact on brain development and cell communication.
+ N-acetylglucosamine (5.3%) to help restore joint cartilage which in the case of osteoarthritis.
+ N-acetylgalactosamine (7.3%) related to the function of synapses, the connections between nerve cells, and if the deficiency can cause serious impact on memory.
+ N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid) (8.6%) recovered quickly when the body is contaminated or damaged red blood cells, enhance immunity,, repelling bacteria, viruses.
_Cac Minerals necessary for the body: Fe (27.9%), calcium
+ Cu (5.87%), Zn (1.88%), bromine, manganese: good for the nerves and memory.
+ Chromium: digestion.
+ Selenium: anti-aging, anti-radiation.

2. Swiftlet Nest

The Swiftlet Nest was built in the breeding season and the males built in 35 days. Bowl-shaped nest is built to stick to the cave. Blade includes many nests are woven from many strands swallow saliva and braided together.

3. Swiftlet Nest operators in Vietnam

In Vietnam, the local natural Swiftlet Nest is an island of a southern central provinces of Quang Nam, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa ... The swallow's nest is usually made in the islands on the cliffs and the exploitation of Swiftlet Nests are often very dangerous due to the high bamboo scaffolding, rudimentary tools, rugged cliffs. Recently, some places have adopted nest in the house in the city to harvest the Swiftlet Nests that especially in the city of Nha Trang, Da Nang. The house raising oat renovated for nearly identical to natural conditions where the nest is often nest. Nha Trang is also where visitors can enjoy Swiftlet Nests often in fancy restaurants.

4. Classification of Swiftlet Nests

a. Classification by origin
- Nest Hoang / In Action (Wild / Cave Nest)
Two oat species often live in caves the nest Fuciphaga species (called Folk nest) and oats Maxima (black swallow's nest). But only kind of nest Swiftlet Nest is known as Wild / Cave Nest (Yen Hoang / In the) market. Maybe because of the danger of taking the nest cave nests are usually priced higher than other types of oats on the market. Oats, with those in natural conditions, often shaped like one bowl, hard body and thick legs. The same shape as the cup will help protect young or nest egg is not eaten by other animals and weather. Straightened oats need to be fastened to the wall because of the caves often have high humidity. Nests of this type are found in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.
-Nest In House (House Nest)
Nest of species nest Esculanta is nest commonly found in oat breeding. Many people still think that the nest is the nest to feed, but in fact we can only rely on the construction and design techniques to attract nesting Swiftlet Nest in the house can not feed them like chicken industrial. Nest farming requires huge investment, long time instance oats and especially not for the artificial nest with food by nature wild Swiftlet Nest and can only catch insects in flight. Depending on the color of the nest, to the yen in the hospital la nga page, the yen quality depend on food area new heart for bird? to yen quality, to yen to and as thick as to yen o (gocongdong) _ (bird food yen flying insects such as mosquitoes, ray) nests can be harvested 1-4 times a year . birds breeding yen around men.
b. Sort by color
The reason why different colored nests is still a subject of debate. According to Vietnamese folk believed that the old Swiftlet Nest or Swiftlet Nest during food shortage to take your blood mix with the saliva to build nests. This explains the colors red and pink, as well as the poorly blooming blood Nest than Bach nest. However, many theories about the conditions of temperature, moisture or food Yen created Nest blood still being studied. Also when Bach nest is made on the cliffs are red and absorbs water from dripping out of the red rocks also create the nest. However Yen blood type because this cliff hatch when soaked in water equivalent with Bach oats (ie 7 - 9 times)
-Blood Yen (Blood Nest)
It is bright red and nests is the highest price of the color as rare and high demand. Not all manufacturing facilities also have this kind of oats. And no matter if there is the swift blood type also can be harvested 1-2 times a year with a very small percentage only. Yen number of blood Yen and Hong make up less than 10% of the total nests on the world market. It is said that the red color of the Blood Nest is due in the nest, Swiftlet Nest is not enough saliva so it uses its own blood to mix with the saliva to build nests.
-Hong Yen (Pink Nest)
Price as Blood Nest and rare, Hong nest is orange, but color can vary from yellow tangerine peel to egg yolk. Dark as the higher price.
-Bach Yen (White Nest)
Bach Yen is the most common type of oats on the market. Can be harvested 3-4 times a year. Number of Bach Yen (including three species nest above) sold on the world market account for about 90% of the total number of nests in the market ..
c. Classified according to the folk concept
Yen fishing in Vietnam were hundreds of years old and contribute significantly to the revenue of the local natural gift of this material. Yen Yen workers and trade professional class usually distinguished as:
Blood (red, due to the location of nest, the nest gradually turn red)
Pink (pink, by Swiftlet Nest location, nest gradually turn pink)
(To view, about 10g or more)
God (In the above, the white, 8 - 10g)
Last (smaller Yen 6 - 7)
Location (at the bottom of the cliff, black, dirty)
Chips (Swiftlet Nest broken by mining or transport)

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