Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

Swiftlet Nest consumption is suitable for all ages

Swiftlet Nest consumption is suitable for all ages
Swiftlet Nest consumption is suitable for all ages

The content of Swiftlet Nest: It is said that the Chinese have been eating Swiftlet Nest for some 400 years, in fact some reports even dated back 1,000 years ago to Tang Dynasty in China.
Swiftlet Nests are glycoprotein with properties of protein as well as of carbohydrate. The total protein content is about 65%, carbohydrate of about 20% and 0.35% of fat. Other minerals present are calcium, magnesium, and iron. Amino acids isolated from Swiftlet Nest consist of amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine and lysine. The total content of mono amino acids is about 6%.

Health benefits of Swiftlet Nest consumption: Swiftlet Nest consumption is suitable for all ages.

Swiftlet Nest is very low in calory and fat, only about 0.35%. But Swiftlet Nest contain epidermic growth factor (EGF), which can stimulate the regeneration of cells, the cell division enzyme & hormone and promote reproduction and rebirth of cells. It’s this reason that consumption of Swiftlet Nest is particularly good for pregnant lady before & after birth, young children, and those who undergo medical surgery.

A regular diet of Swiftlet Nest can help alleviate the trachea, smooth breathing, benefit the control of asthma, expel phlegm, recover vital energy and extend longevity.

It enhance the resistance of an individual to X-irradiated damage and rejuvenate the complexion, smoothes the skin and maintain youthfulness. A regular diet of Swiftlet Nest can help alleviate the trachea, smooth breathing, benefit the control of asthma, expel phlegm, recover vital energy and extend longevity. It is particularly effective to those who have sleep disorders, bronchitis, coughs or hangovers. Swiftlet Nests also show obvious therapeutic effects to help moisturize and replenish the lung and clear away intestinal heat.

Natural Swiftlet Nest can enhance immune system, prevent cancer and other health benefits as follow:

1. Swiftlet Nest help regulate the function of the endocrine system as well as other body functions. It strengthen the body, moisturize the skin, maintain beauty, provide energy and enhance the metabolism of fat. The Swiftlet Nests are adaptable for either sex or any age group;
2. latest medical research indicates Swiftlet Nest contains antioxidant and can slow down ageing process – radiant skin complexion & prevent the effects of aging;
3. Strengthens the kidney and lung. Invigorate the body;
4. People, who are highly stressed and are busy in study and work can alleviate tiredness, relieve spiritual pressure and recover body strength;
5. Excellence health tonic for pregnant ladies in the last 3 months of pregnancy before birth. Not only is good for mother, it’s also good for baby too, who will be healthier and have better skin complexion. Taking Swiftlet Nest will help after birth recovery;
6. Strengthen the heart and lower blood pressure;
7. Lower blood cholesterol level, help to reduce stroke, blockage;
8. Swiftlet Nests are also beneficial to people who have just recovered from illness, who are old and weak, who suffer from asthma and who are always catching the cold or influenza. Relieves cough and phlegm. Strengthens internal organs and improves appetite.

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