Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions about Swiftlet Nest (5)

Frequently Asked Questions about Swiftlet Nest (5)
Frequently Asked Questions about Swiftlet Nest (5)

Is Swiftlet Nest soup made of real Swiftlet Nests?

Yes. It is made of real Swiftlet Nests, and as a result the numbers of these birds who nest in caves at Borneo are diminishing.

What do you do when you find a Swiftlet Nest with eggs?

Leave it alone the mom of the birds wont take care of them if you touch the eggs.If they've hatched still dont touch them. Correction to above answer: It is a myth that if you touch a bird or its egg that the mother will reject it. Birds have little or no sense of smell. But the best thing to do is just leave it alone.

If there is a Swiftlet Nest and you take a baby bird out will the mother abandon it?

You should not do this - but the mother will continue to look after the remaining birds.

Can you put a bird's egg into a different nest?

You can. However, some of them may hatch then die :o. That isbecause birds prefer to have their own birds in their nest. If theyhad differentiated that the bird is not their kind, some of themmay 'kill' the bird before it learns to fly.

If a Swiftlet Nest has human scent will the birds go back?

One time I heard that once you touch the egg the female won't warm the egg anymore, or if you touch the baby bird she will stop feeding the baby NC

What Swiftlet Nests does the cuckoo lay her eggs in?

Usually in any nest the Cuckoo can find in a safe place for her young to hatch/grow in.
Why does my hair look worse then a Swiftlet Nest when I wake up in the morning?
As you move in your sleep, it causes the hairs on your head to shift and tangle. The only way you could avoid it was by wearing soemthing in yoru hair at night.

What is the Italian translation of 'Swiftlet Nest'?

Nido d'uccello or Nido di uccello are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Swiftlet Nest." Specifically, the masculine noun nido means "nest." The preposition di * means "of." The masculine noun uccello means "bird." The pronunciation is "NEE-doh dootch-TCHEHL-loh." *The vowel i may drop before a noun that begins with a vowel. The temporary nature of that drop is indicated by an apostrophe immediately after the remaining letter d and immediately before the first letter of the following noun.

Why is a Swiftlet Nest in a Christmas tree good luck?

Check back with me this time next year and I'll let you know, I actually did find a birds next in my Christmas tree this year!

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